Shoulder Surgery: What is the Interscalene Block?

Your surgeon may request this block for post-operative pain relief for surgical procedures involving your shoulder and upper arm. If you elect to have nerve block, you will…

Going for Shoulder Surgery (A Patient Guide)

Shoulder Joint Replacement = Shoulder Arthroplasty If you are considering shoulder joint replacement surgery or shoulder arthroplasty [ar-throw-plas-tee], this page may contain some helpful information. Although shoulder replacement…

Common Shoulder Problems

Bones of the shoulder The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint that connects the upper arm to the body. The bone of the upper arm is…

Rotator Cuff Arthropathy

(are-throp’-a-thee) A condition of the shoulder that involves both a massive rotator cuff tear and debilitating arthritis with loss of cartilage. Causes The rotator cuff muscles may be…

Rotator Cuff Injuries

William T. Pennington, M.D. The Orthopedic Institute of Wisconsin What is the Rotator Cuff? The rotator cuff is comprised of the tendons of four muscles that originate on…